MATHS Charter School

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MATHS Annual Fundraiser - October 19, 2008

Orientation for New Families- August 23, 2008

Welcome to the Maryland Academy of Technology & Health Sciences (MATHS), Baltimore City's first new charter high school.  Our mission is to provide an intellectually rigorous, personalized and supportive college-prep education to 6th-12th grade students, with an emphasis on the biotechnology, health science and bioengineering fields. Here you could also buy research papers online to make sure writers from will edit your projects in time.

We encourage you to browse our website for more information.  We hope that this website will serve as a living forum where students, parents, teachers and community organizations can actively engage in the success of MATHS.  Please feel free to Contact Us.  We would love to hear from you.
Recent News
- MATHS Annual Fundraiser 'The Breaking Through" Campaign - October 19, 2008  More info. . .
-MATHS adding grades 6 and 7  in 2008 More Info. . . 
- MATHS Director awarded Weinberg Fellowship
More info. . .
Why Choose MATHS as your School?
View Powerpoint Presentation